Book Notes

Below are the books I have taken notes from while reading and listening. You can find the Summary page when you click the Book Title. Because the books I read are from random categories, they are added in this page as is. The top are the newest additions. It is not grouped into sections, so feel free to scroll down a certain topic/title.

The Simple Path to Wealth book cover

The Simple Path to Wealth
by J.L. Collins

Heed the advice found in this book. The soul of simplicity to financial freedom boils down to three simple things.

13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do book cover

13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do
by Amy Morin

What a priceless, well-written book equip with practical and sound advice that is much needed in today’s parenting era.

The richest man in Babylon book cover

The Richest Man in Babylon
by George S. Clason

Two things: (1) keep a portion of the money you earn; (2) then use that portion to grow more money. Written with an instructive take on parable forms, this book is surprisingly easy to digest.

Dare to Lead Book Cover

Dare to Lead
by Brene Brown

How do we cultivate braver, more daring leaders, and how do we embed the value of courage? This book penetrates not only in the (armored and daring) leadership arena, but also applicable in many paths of life.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The 21 Laws of Leadership
by John Maxwell

This book makes leadership more accessible to all, not just to those who have natural talents. Learn and apply the principles and revolutionize your ability to make a difference.

The seven spiritual laws of success

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
by Deepak Chopra

A short book to read yet packed with insights. When we become aware of interdependence, our actions become thoughtful and in harmony with the universe.

the 48 laws of power by robert greene

The 48 laws of Power
by Robert Greene

One of the best books to read about building strategies and getting what you want.
Be informed about the mistakes from the past.
Packed with timeless lessons if you want to win power.

So good they cant ignore you by cal newport

So Good They Can't Ignore You
by Cal Newport

If you haven't figure out what it is you are passionate about, keep building your skills. Learn and grow because on being so good at what you do, you may end up loving it. Whether which one comes first, passion discovery begins.

smart women finish rich by david bach

Smart Women Finish Rich
by David Bach

This book talks about the tools you need to plan and take charge of your financial future. An easy and comfortable read.

A Woman's Guide to the language of Success by Phyllis Mindell

A Woman's Guide to the Language of Success by Phyllis Mindell

Learn the language and behaviors that communicate power and assertion.
For all women out there, this is for you.

insane productivity for lazy people

Insane Productivity
by Andrii Sedniev

This is one of the books that inspired me to create TOP 3 Actions Planner. What is it you want in life? Make it happen. The secret of success lies in your Daily Agenda. This daily agenda will compound and the inevitable result is getting your top goals done.

You can retire sooner than you think by wes moss

You can Retire Sooner than You Think
by Wes Moss

Believe that retirement is within your Grasp. Once you do, you will make steps into planning your retirement. Learn what you can, and do the work. Soon, you will realize that it's even more possible to retire sooner.

rework by jason fried and david hansson

Rework by Jason Fried and David Hansson

When we have the formal education on business development, we ought to know what we are doing. So, read this book and have a fresh look. Timeless strategy had worked for a lot of businesses. But your particular venture might need unconventional approach. I bought a physical book and keep it in my library. That's how valuable this book is for me.

the wealthy gardener by john soforic

The Wealthy Gardener
by John Soforic

"Don't judge the day by the seeds you reap, but by the seeds you plot". This book teaches us how to prosper in life through cultivating, doing the hard work, and investing. Filled with timeless wisdom about finance. I highly recommend this to anyone.